Summer is in full swing and that means weekends at the lake and enjoying the outdoors. That doesn’t mean you stop exercising, it just means you have to get a bit more creative if you don’t have any equipment available to you. Here is a great workout video from Flex Fitness personal trainer Jessi Montgomery, while she is on vacation at the lake.

  • Runner’s Warm-up (5 minutes)

  • Hill Trail Run (25 minutes/4 to 5 kms)

  • Pull-ups (5)

  • Plyometric Lunges (20)

  • Push-up into downward facing dog (10)

  • Sumo and close stance jump squats (20)

  • Crab toe touches (30)

  • Alternating plank push-ups (20)

  • Burpee’s (10)

  • Prone hold (60 seconds)

    *Repeat 3 times

For more great workouts like this one or to book your fitness consultation today contact us and start your fitness journey now!

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