In this article you will learn what thermic effect of food is and some great examples of options you can incorporate into your daily diet to get great results with your fitness goals.

The thermic effect of food is the energy it takes for your body to digest, absorb and store. Some foods have a higher thermic value, therefore are better choices when you are trying to lose weight. These processes account for 10-15% of your bodies energy expenditure throughout the day.

Here are some foods to eat that will boost your metabolism:

???? High fibre foods (almonds, avocados etc).

???? Lean animal proteins (chicken, low-fat yogurt etc).

???? Plan-based proteins (nuts, beans etc).

???? Seafood (salmon, tuna, shrimp etc).

???? Iron rich foods (meats, dairy etc).

???? Green tea.

???? Water.

???? Coffee.

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