Today’s exercise video introduction:

Day 12: Exercise back and biceps


20 minutes

Underhand pull-down

1Warm-up set, 8-10 times

3Each group will reach exhaustion, 8 -10 times

Wide-grip pull-down

Wide-grip pull-down

1Warm-up set, 8-10 times

3Each group will reach exhaustion, 8 -12 times

One-Arm Dumbbell Row

One-arm dumbbell row

1Warm-up set, 8-10 times

3Each group will reach exhaustion, 8 -12 times

Romanian Deadlift

Romanian Deadlift

1Warm-up set, 8-10 times .

3Group to exhaustion, 16 times

Hammer Curl

hammer curl

1Warm-up set, 8-10 times .

3Each group will reach exhaustion, 18 -20 times

Instrument curls

1Warm-up set, 8-10 times .

3Each group will reach exhaustion, 14 -16 times

Bar curl

Bar curl

1Warm-up set, 8-10 times

3Each group will reach exhaustion, 8 -10 times


20 minutes

Nutritional supplements before and after exercise Before workout

Green tea

a cup

Function: Increase fat metabolism rate and increase fat energy consumption during exercise.


5 grams

Function: Improve strength level and stimulate muscles more. Creatine itself does not participate in muscle synthesis. If the intensity of the exercise is not high, you don’t need to rush it.


5 grams

Function: Promote protein synthesis and prevent the breakdown of muscle protein. It is suitable for those who want to lose weight and gain muscle, especially if they add aerobic exercise to the plan.

After workout

Milk protein powder

2 spoons - 4 spoons (the dosage mainly depends on personal basis)

Function: Repair and synthesize muscle cells. It is the main nutrition for fitness.


5 grams

Function: Helps protein anabolism. It is an auxiliary nutrition.


5 grams

Function: Restore functions, promote protein synthesis, and prevent the decomposition of muscle proteins.