If we insist on exercising, it will be of great help to people. It can effectively improve physical fitness and at the same time lose weight and shape. How to exercise your back muscles? You can exercise your abdomen through wide-grip dumbbell rows, dumbbell one-arm rows, push-ups and rows. So, how do men train their back muscles at home? Let’s find out together below!

Dumbbell rowing

Dumbbell Row

1. Hold a dumbbell in each hand (palms facing each other). Knees slightly, lean forward, bend at the waist, back straight, so that the body is almost parallel to the floor. Tip: Keep your head up and looking straight ahead. The arms holding the dumbbells hang down naturally, keeping them perpendicular to the ground and body. This is the starting position of the movement.

2. Keeping the body fixed, pull the dumbbells to both sides of the body, exhale at the same time, and keep the elbows close to the body (but there should be no extra force on the forearms, just hold the dumbbells). At the highest point of the contraction, tighten your back muscles and hold for 1 second.

3. Slowly lower the dumbbells back to the starting position while inhaling.

Dumbbell One-Arm Row

1. Choose a suitable fitness chair and place the dumbbells on both sides of the fitness chair.

2. Kneel with your right leg on one end of the fitness chair, bend your body from the waist, keep it parallel to the ground, and hold the other end of the chair with your right hand to support your body.

3. Hold the dumbbell on the ground on the left side with your left hand, keeping your lower back straight. Palms facing the body. This is the starting position of the movement.

4. Pull the dumbbell toward the side of the chest, keeping the upper arm close to the body and keeping the body stationary. Exhale as you perform this movement. Tip: Focus on contracting your back muscles as you reach full contraction. Secondly, be sure to use all the force from your back muscles, not your arms. Finally, the upper body should remain stationary, allowing only the arms to move. All your forearms should do is grip the dumbbell so don't use your forearm strength to pull the dumbbell.

5. Return the dumbbells to the starting position. Inhale while doing this movement.

Push-Up Row

1. Place a pair of lighter dumbbells parallel to each other in front of you. With your back straight, bend down into a squat and grab a dumbbell. This is the starting position of the movement.

2. Start the movement by pushing one leg back, then switch to the other leg to make yourself in a push-up position, holding the dumbbell as support. Your weight should be distributed between your hands and toes. Perform a rowing motion with each arm individually, raising your elbows as high as possible.

3. Jump your feet forward, lower the weight but hold the dumbbells, and stand up. Then lift the dumbbells to shoulder height, palms forward, and jump up for the second time. Squat down and stand up with force, continueInstead, lift the dumbbells above your head so that your arms are fully extended.

4. Lower the dumbbell to shoulder height, bend down and squat, and place the dumbbell on the ground in front of you. Repeat for the desired number of repetitions.

Dumbbell Deadlift Row

1. Hold a dumbbell in each hand (palms facing each other). Knees slightly, lean forward, bend over and straighten your back so that your body is almost parallel to the floor. Tip: Keep your head up and looking straight ahead. The arms holding the dumbbells hang down naturally, keeping them perpendicular to the ground and body. This is the starting position of the movement.

2. Keeping the body fixed, pull the dumbbells to both sides of the body, exhale at the same time, and contract the shoulder blades. During the contraction, tighten your back muscles and hold for 1 second.

3. Slowly lower the dumbbells back to the starting position while inhaling.

Mid-back shrug

1. Lie prone on an incline fitness bench, holding a dumbbell in each hand. The arms should be fully straight and pointing naturally toward the ground. The palms of both hands face each other. This is the starting position of the movement.

2. When exhaling, contract your shoulder blades on both sides and maintain the tightened state for one second. Tip: This action is similar to a reverse hug action, and can also be used as a side raise without arms.

3. Return to the starting position while inhaling.