The back muscles are a very large muscle. They occupy a very important position in our upper body, so we often use various ways to exercise the back muscles. There are many ways to exercise back muscles, both freehand and with equipment. Equipment includes dumbbells and barbells. So do you know what the barbell back muscle exercises are? Let’s go take a look below!

Bent Over Barbell Row 5.jpg

1. Bent-over barbell row

Bent-over barbell row is the most suitable for pushing the muscles of the upper body train. Using a properly weighted barbell, every major muscle group in the back will be engaged. Start with your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend your knees slightly and lift your head. Bend your knees so that your back is almost parallel to the floor, but not completely parallel to the floor. Lower the barbell with your hands down to your chest. When lifting the weight, keep your palms facing inward. Use your back muscles to engage your chest and keep your arms close to your body. Control the weight as you lower, lower slowly and repeat.

2. Barbell shrug

This is a training for the trapezius muscles. No other muscle groups in the back are particularly stimulated, so keep this in mind when training. Depending on your training volume, you can add a lot of weight to your traps, but keep the overall training balanced. To perform this exercise, add weight to the barbell and set the barbell feet at knee height. When picking up the weight, place the weight on your thighs with your arms fully extended. Keep your back straight, look forward, and push your shoulders as much as possible. Just like normal lifting of weights, hold the highest position of the shrug for a few seconds to perform the peak contraction. Lower the barbell under control and repeat.

3. Deadlift

The deadlift is part of almost all strength training programs because it requires the use of most of the muscles in the body - including the back muscles. When deadlifting, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, and your hands holding the barbell. When pulling up, hold the barbell over your shoulder. As you pull up, focus on your glutes and leg muscles. Keep your back straight and extend your arms to let the barbell lower naturally. At the lowest position, control your muscles to pull up again, and repeat.