When we do fitness training, we will find that many fitness movements have Russian names, such as Russian push-ups, Russian kettlebells, or Russian twists, etc. Among them, the Russian twist is relatively simple, but do you know what the essentials of the Russian twist are? Let’s go take a look below!

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Main exercises: internal and external abdominal obliques

Sit on the floor with your spine in a neutral position, keep your waist and back straight, Interlock the fingers of both hands and place them straight in front of the body, bend the knees at a 90-degree angle, and place the heels on the ground. Let's first do a static Russian twist. The arms turn to the left with the body, the abdominal muscles contract, then the arms return to the front of the body, the arms turn to the right again with the body, and finally return to Directly in front of the body, then contract the abdominal muscles, causing the arms to turn to the left with the body, then to the front of the body, and finally turn to the right to return to the original position.

Action essentials:

Focus on the abdominal muscles, while contracting the waist and abdomen and twisting your body to the right until the arms are parallel to the ground, and exhale at the same time. Keep your abs contracted and return to the starting position. Then move to the other side and perform the same movement on your right side. Alternate the movements on both sides to the recommended number of reps. You can hold heavy objects in both hands or raise your legs to increase the difficulty of training.