Le konjac

When you have the feeling that your stomach is never full with your diet, that you're always hungry, konjac is an interesting solution.

This food comes from a plant grown in Asia and found here in the form of 0% rice or 0% pasta. It makes it possible to increase the volume of your meal without adding many calories. Konjac contains 3 calories per 100 grams.

cold dish

When you don't have the opportunity to reheat your food, you need to plan a dish that you can eat cold and keep in a fridge box.

Take a tin of tuna (125 g, 158 Calories)one red pepper (130 g, 27 Calories)6 cherry tomatoes (60 g, 20 Calories)2 egg whites (66 g, 34 Calories)chives (10 g, 3 Calories)parsley (10 sprigs, 3,6 Calories)du riz blanc (50 g, 175 Calories)

This will make an excellent meal, with only 361 calories, but 35 grammes of protein, 46 grams of carbohydrates and 3,8 grams of fat.


Of course this is just an example and you can modulate the quantity of the different ingredients you want to include in your meal, but it's pretty appetising for a dry meal...

Yves Bondroit coach for QNT